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SEND Provision/Focus Provision and Hub

SEND Provision Statement of Intent

Great Bridge Primary School is highly inclusive. Our ethos of ‘All valued, all achieving and all equal’ embodies our commitment to being responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, needs, experience, skills and knowledge. We strive to ensure that all children receive a broad and balanced education in a caring environment, where each child is happy, secure and able to develop a sense of selfworth. In partnership with parents, carers, governors and outside agencies, we strive to ensure barriers to learning are overcome and all pupils are given every opportunity to achieve realistic goals and enrich their educational experience.

Please see the link below for the full SEND Information Report.


The Focus Provision

Our Focus Provision is a 10 place unit based in Little Bridge.

The Focus Provision Manager is Mrs Lorraine Newton.

We specialise in meeting the needs of pupils with complex communication needs and Autism Spectrum Disorder. All the children in the FP have Education & Health Care Plans (EHCP) and have been allocated a place via Sandwell SEN Service and their Provision Panel.

The Curriculum

We provide highly personalised programmes of learning, which are tailored to meet the needs of each pupil and link closely to the outcomes stated in their EHCP.

The children work on Individual Action Plan targets covering key areas of cognition & learning, communication, social & emotional development, physical & sensory and independence. Targets are reviewed formally each term but next steps targets are implemented at any point to move learning on. Progress is measured against a number of assessments including Sandwell Skills Ladders, The Orchard Framework, Read, Write, Inc (RWI), and Wellcomm language screening tool.

In addition to learning targets, there is a clear focus on supporting children to build social communication and independent skills. Regular, timetabled sessions promote the development of life skills and social interaction, working on targets from Sandwell’s Towards Independence Hierarchy Assessment Tool (TIH).


Every opportunity is taken to promote the children’s communication and language skills. Staff are trained in the use of a range of communication strategies including PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), Makaton, ALDs (Aided Language Displays), Intensive Interaction, TACPAC and COSST-sentence building, using colour coded symbolled print.


All staff in the Focus Provision are trained in Positive Handling techniques to support pupils with regulating emotions and developing calming strategies.

We work closely with a range of outside agencies, including Sandwell Inclusion Support-Complex Communication and Autism Team (CCAT), Child Educational Psychology, Children's Therapies, GPs/paediatric consultants and CAMHS.


SEN Hub  

The Hub is an intervention programme designed to support a select group of primarily Reception and KS1 pupils facing significant delays or difficulties in accessing full-time class-based learning. Most of these pupils either have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) or are in the process of obtaining one.

The Hub has a team of trained staff led and mentored by Catherine Mansell. 

The Hub offers a very structured approach in a calm environment with individual screened off workstations for direct teaching and areas for group tasks, sharing books, sensory, social, creative and play-based learning. The children work on personalised targets across all areas of need as well as Read, Write, Inc (RWI)-reading and phonics, maths and foundation subjects planned in conjunction with class teachers. Some children access class-based activities and lessons as appropriate to their needs and abilities. 

The overarching goal of this provision is to enable the majority of children to eventually integrate into mainstream classrooms on a full-time basis. This integration will be facilitated by the provision of appropriate inclusive resources, support, and interventions.

SENCo: Joanne Chappell
Tel: 0121 557 1526                             